Anonymous ID: ee4987 Aug. 17, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.2645494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5498

The 11/11 parade has been put on hold, possibly until 2019, due to budget. Estimated cost has increased 3x over initial projection. That makes me sad. I really was planning to go. Now? Will it happen at all? I don't know, but fam is still revved to go, if it is a go.

Sounds like D.C. is the reason the cost skyrocketed. Maybe we will go to Andrews too. Fuck em. They aren't gonna ruin it for us. Of course every "news" article is hit piece on the POTUS, so it's stupid-hard to find out what is up, but here's a sample:


What is wrong with a parade for the military?

I bet it would be on in a snap if it was for diversity, a sexual id, a race/ethnicity, tolerance, pink bears, recycling, global (fill the blank), balloon day, (fill the blank) awareness, etc.


I want to go show my pride and support for our military. Tanks, planes, bands, marching,…

the works. I owe it to them. We owe it to them.

Other countries do it. They get it. What the ?!!?

To my knowledge the last real big parade of that type was the end of WWII. What happened?