Anonymous ID: 0db002 Aug. 17, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.2646347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6419


Where's the drain?


I found the essay "The Anatomy of Satanism in Hollywood"

I refered to in my previous entry.

It explains the issue of why they always seem to play to get consent.

That procedure of theirs could be the entire reason for the"predictive programming?"

If the sheeps fail to put 2 and 2 togther? No one to blame but themselves?

"If God didn't make them sheep, they wouldn't get sheared" - James Hillman,

"Satanists wear tennis shoes, do yoga and have children. They hold jobs, they can get fired, they adopt children and animals. They have ethics, follow a code, and will pick up garbage instead of complaining about it. It is a living religion for a large group of people. The modern day satanist is a practitioner of will. At it’s core, Satanism is founded on the principal of Thelema."


"Follow the wives"

Striking resemblance between Nellie Ohr and Melissa Hodgman

>>2645501 (pb)


Glad to see that "Bruce Ohr" no longer has the big smile pasted on his face. If the more recent photos are actually more recent?

So annoying until now.

As far s ID's go? Could their bios be totally fabricated, as was the bio of Hussain?

The info that they are under pseudonyms is from George Webb and without sauce; so take it as you will .

However Webb was correct on Strzok's FBI non-history.

I still think "Lisa Page" could be a fake name since that is said to be the names of McCabe's two daughters. Couldn't find any info on them. Not surprise. Anyway not easy to find.

As far as Webb dissing Fitton. I never heard it. Webb is just obcessed with credentials because he wants the info credible. He was upset Fitton didn't do more; such as a lawsuit as he did.

Did y'all know that Webb;s partner police officer Jen Moore "TaskForce" was apparently murdered last weekend.

She had so many leads on so many people including Pedo witnesses of Jefferson Clinton.

I think she is really murdered. What I don't get is why they didn't stick together. Don't police always work in teams. G. Webb has stayed away from the Pizza material because of the danger involved. He wanted to get what he could done, and going into that would jeopardize his life. He's on the street everyday. Out there. Even if he is Mossad I respect his work ethic and the work he has accomplished.

He's having some adjusting now that he has to admit BO is involved with crime… [? didn't figure that out earlier?]


Wow. Older son Carter resembles Gloria V. yet Anderson does not. Why did she disinherit Anderson [fact easily found in public interviews]

Maybe Carter was going to blow the whistle on her and Anderson.