Anonymous ID: 986b7e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.2646269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6307

>>2645519 (LB)

Interesting you link CNN efforts to expose (?threaten) Manafort jury information to CNN's nazi-like behavior. Was digging on some old TASK FORCE posts and found this: A Stranahan article linking Ukrainian Nazis /Clinton Foundation/Soros coup in Ukraine, DNC, Evan (CIA) McMullen and Charlottesville 2017.

  • Soros - worked with nazis

  • "Blood and soil" chanted at the Charlottesville march; is the slogan… of the Ukraine insurgent army.

  • US supported the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

& moar

  • " Svoboda—which currently has thirty-six deputies in the 450-member Ukrainian parliament—began life in the mid-1990s as the Social National Party of the Ukraine, but its roots lie in World War II, when Ukrainian nationalists and Nazis found common ground in the ideology of anti-communism and anti-Semitism. In April 1943, Dr. Otto von Wachter, the Nazi commander of Galicia—the name for western Ukraine—turned the First Division of the Ukrainian National Army into the 14 Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, the so-called “Galicia Division.”

The Waffen SS was the armed wing of the Nazi Party, and while serving alongside the regular army, or Wehrmacht, the party controlled the SS’s thirty-eight-plus divisions. While all Nazi forces took part in massacres and atrocities, the Waffen SS did so with particular efficiency. The postwar Nuremberg trials designated it a “criminal organization.”

PS Also noticed there was a response trying to say they were jews - confims nazi shill.


Original link from TASK FORCE/Jenny Moore, RIP

Perhaps they silenced you Jenny, but they can't silence us all.