Anonymous ID: e591d9 Aug. 17, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.2646305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6309

Hey Q,


Tell POTUS to have various US Cities bid on the not to exceed amount to host the Parade that DC is trying to mess with us on.


I BET you a buck that there is some Patriotic State and City that would be happy to host a parade THIS YEAR on 11/11/18.


POTUS knows how to do this. Have him ANNOUNCE it and see who comes running in our direction.


Terrible to have thieves try to steal our joy!


GO POTUS! BID THE PARADE! Someone out there must be courageous to take it from DC and thumb their nose at those clowns!


Q!!!! Please carry that water to POTUS for us! Just one time!