Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2645706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731 >>5776 >>6354 >>6374

Incest, Ritual Killing: Shocking Revelations by Gabon Footballer Released Online


International football player Shiva N'Zigou, who at some point played at the French club Nantes noted that his mother had been killed in a ritual act for him.


In a video, reposted by the Le Chronique du Gabon YouTube channel and apparently first released by a local television channel, former Gabonese forward Shiva N'Zigou addresses the general public revealing his mother was killed for the sake of his football success.


According to Shiva, his father committed the horrendous act as a ritual killing “in the name of his business prosperity,” namely to keep the money his son earned to himself, so that Shiva could then make further progress in football. According to Shiva, the financial aspect had been an issue in the family.


The footballer separately noted that at the beginning of his sports career, his parents faked his ID, changing his name and reducing his age by five years.


Shiva also provided a couple of saucy details about his personal life, saying he had had relationships with men, one of whom he reportedly dated for a year, as well as had “rapports,” or liaisons with his aunt and sister during some religious festivities.


N'Zigou played for multiple football clubs, including French FC Nantes, and rounded off his career in 2016. The player partook in 24 matches as part of the national Gabonese squad from 2000 to 2008, netting five goals. N'Zigou is believed to have been the youngest player in the African Cup championship, reportedly making his debut at the age of 16.

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.2645744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Slams Bruce Ohr as a “Disgrace” – Warns He May Strip Ohr of His Security Clearance “Very Quickly” (VIDEO)


On Friday, President Trump spoke with reporters on the South Lawn as he was preparing to depart for Westhampton, New York to attend a fundraising event.


President Trump called twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr a “disgrace” and warned he may be pulling his security clearance “very quickly.”

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.2645794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5943

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'


John Brennan rallied numerous high-powered defenders to his corner over his security clearance clash with President Trump, but some well-known special ops heroes are firing back suggesting the former CIA director got what he deserves.


Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a former Army Ranger and private security contractor who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, accused Brennan of putting his “politics” before those in the field.


“He is lucky the security clearance is all he is getting away with,” Paronto told Fox News in an interview on Friday.


Responding a day earlier to Brennan’s tweet that his “principles are worth far more than clearances,” Paronto also tweeted:


“My principles are greater than clearances too John, especially when you and the @CIA kool-aid drinkers punishes us for not going along with the Benghazi cover-up story in order to protect you, @HillaryClinton’s & @BarackObama’s failures. You put your politics before us.”


Paronto helped write the book "13 Hours," later turned into a feature film, about the Benghazi attack. He has said he and his team lost their security clearances for speaking out.


Security operators including Paronto previously had to sign non-disclosure agreements – Paronto told Fox News he signed three pertaining to Benghazi within a six-month period – though Brennan told lawmakers in 2014 this was not a specific effort to prevent them from speaking to Congress.


Paronto maintains, however, that he didn't share classified information in telling the Benghazi story and continues to object to their clearances being revoked.


“Normally when you have a clearance suspended, you’re supposed to know why … I was never given that,” he said, blaming Brennan. “It was his determination whether we kept our clearances or not.”


He also took exception at how the Benghazi team was treated upon their return.


“We come back from being on the ground to be treated as a second class citizen. You come back and you’re called a liar,” Paronto told Fox News. “Brennan came in and there was no talk of ‘hey, good job guys,’ not that you look for it, but instead, it was ‘don’t say anything guys, we don’t want the truth to get out.’”


Paronto continued his attack against Brennan on Twitter Thursday night, firing a round of accusations against the former CIA director.

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2645817   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.2645894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5952


CNN Demands Manafort Jurors Names and Addresses be Released So they Can Be Stalked and Harassed


The liberal media is licking at the chops to track down and harass the Manafort Mueller witch hunt jurors.


CNN wants the names and addresses of the Manafort jurors released to the public.


And apparently a judge will hold a hearing on their motion to release the names.

It will be a new form of thuggery by the fascist left — if you don’t give the results they want they will harass you and ruin your life.


Crime and Justice reporter at CNN Shimon Prokupecz reported:

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.2645936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6354 >>6374

Donald Trump: ‘I’ve Never Respected’ John Brennan


President Donald Trump said Friday he never respected former CIA director John Brennan, which was partially why he withdrew his security clearance.


The president commented on the issue as he left the White House to travel to Bedminster, New Jersey. Brennan is now an MSNBC contributor.


Trump said he got a “tremendous response” for his decision to end Brennan’s security clearance.


He denied that he was trying to silence Brennan, a frequent critic of the president.


“There’s no silence,” Trump said. “In many cases, I’ve given him a bigger voice. Many people don’t even know who he is.”


He said he was fine with giving Brennan a bigger voice because he enjoyed tackling with critics.


“I’ve never respected him,” Trump said.


He cited Sen. Richard Burr’s criticism of Brennan for not briefing Congress if he believed that the president was colluding with Russia.


“It’s a disgusting thing frankly,” he said, calling the attempt from top intelligence officials to investigate his campaign a “rigged witch hunt.”


Trump turned his ire towards former Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr for communicating with the phony dossier investigator Christopher Steele after he was fired from the FBI and working with Russian oligarchs.


“Bruce Ohr is a disgrace, with his wife Nelly, doing what he did,” he said, hinting that he was ready to take away Ohr’s security clearance too.


He also said that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was conflicted but said he was willing to allow the investigation to continue.


“Let him write his report,” Trump said. “We did nothing, there is no collusion, but if he was doing an honest report, he’d write it on the other side.”

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.2646032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6075

WALSH: If You Think Sex Abuse Is A 'Catholic Problem,' You're Fooling Yourself


As I have been writing about the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal over the past week, I have received many emails, and read many comments, that can only be described as boastful. It appears that many Christians from other denominations believe sex abuse is a uniquely Catholic problem or at least that the Catholic Church has a uniquely bad case of it. Indeed, I have been informed numerous times this week that the best way to escape the sex predator problem is to join another church. These Christians remind me of the Pharisee in Christ's parable: "Thank you, Lord, that I am not like them."


Secular people often have a similar attitude whenever the sins of the Catholic Church are discussed. According to them, the evils committed by the Church just provide more of a reason to reject religion entirely. "This is why I'm not religious," someone wrote to me yesterday. Trevor Noah of The Daily Show gleefully spiked the football, declaring that the Church is a "molesting club with opening prayer."


But if the Church is a molesting club, what can we say about Hollywood? Will Noah call his own industry a "molesting club with green screens?" Child rape and sex abuse are infamously commonplace in Noah's own ranks. And if sex abuse is a "Catholic problem," why does it happen so often in Protestant churches? According to a recent analysis, there are at least 260 cases of sexual abuse against minors in those churches every year. There is no evidence, and no reason to believe, that they are any better at dealing with the problem or any less likely to cover it up. In fact, some in the Protestant community believe they are worse in that regard. And Christianity isn't the only religion struggling with this issue. The Jewish community has its own problems. As do Muslims. As do Buddhists.

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.2646158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ethiopian Human Rights Abuser Arrested for Fraudulently Obtaining U.S. Citizenship

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.2646285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6293

ANDERSON COOPER: Primary Asset of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media Exposed


There is no other mainstream media news platform that is as controlled by the C.I.A. as CNN. The lead anchor of the Communist News Network, as it’s also known, is none other than LGBT champion Anderson Cooper. As a matter of fact, every top journalist within the Mockingbird Media is either a full-time CIA operative or part-time contractor.

Anonymous ID: ec4a9e Aug. 17, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.2646314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6393

Judge Ellis Declines Motion by CNN, WaPo to Release Names of Manafort Jurors – Reveals ‘I HAVE BEEN THREATENED’


T.S. Ellis, III, Senior U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Va, at the Investiture ceremony of Stuart Nash to be Associate Judge at the D.C. Superior Court. June 4, 2010. Photo by Diego M. Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL.

CNN, Wapo and Buzzfeed are demanding the names and addresses of the Manafort jurors be released to the public.


On Friday, Judge Ellis, a Reagan appointee, revealed he has received threats, however; he did not provide details.