Anonymous ID: 953c8e Aug. 17, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.2646801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7018

>>2645862 The unbelievable public statement by the Catholic League in effect says, "Everybody does it, so leave us alone." It is true that you will find it in just about every institution, both religious and otherwise. No one is ignoring it either, as one can see by the public resignations of some Protestant clergy. But to claim blah blah blah it is not nearly as bad as in public schools, blah blah blah is an outright lie. NOTHING matches the depth, width, long practice & institutionalization of what goes on in the Catholic Church.


Again, not Catholic but have respect for the laity. Not for these lying assholes at the Catholic League though, and not for the laity either if they just want to let it slide and go on as it has always been. What will people say after the next one and the next and the next? It's coming.