Anonymous ID: 9c0bcd Aug. 17, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.2647251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2647018 We are in disagreement about Rome being the only church.


We are also in disagreement about comparing molestations in public schools to what goes on in the Catholic institution. I taught school for a long time, and never ONCE heard of a teaching colleague being accused. Now for the ones who do it, and ARE guilty, how many individuals did they molest? One or two. Now compare this to what goes on EVERY SINGLE DAY, ACROSS THE PLANET, under the aegis of Rome. This is what they do. Every. Single. Day.


So 300 priests in one modest geographical area molested 1000 young people. Probably multiples of that with others who chose not to come forward. We are about to find out that this is the NORM. This is what has been going on everywhere the hierarchy reaches, all the time. The celibate priesthood must end.


No Luciferian here, and no hater of Catholics. But I know a clusterfuck when I see it. And yes, whatever was going on in the Roman church in prior generations, it was accelerated by design of evil infiltrators, who have now taken over enough of the top spots through the hierarchy that the sickness is pervasive.


We here are not sweeping ANYTHING under the rug, for any group. We urgently wish to pull the carpet back and bring justice, let the chips fall where they may.