Anonymous ID: 9f1d36 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.2647018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7251


The Anti-Catholic press (and other groups like luciferians who populate the media and entertainment, political and educational fields) highlight the disgusting abuse of Catholic (usually) children and young people by Catholic priests and bishops and others, but tend to sweep their own evils (think Hollywood) under the rug or those evils found in other child-focused institutions under the rug. Approximately 1-2% of Catholic clergy have been accused of sexual abuse of children or teens. The percentage of teachers in the US, similarly accused, is approx. 10%. Most of the abusing priests are the communists/freemasons/luciferians that infiltrated the Catholic Church over the last century to destroy the Church from within – and their later recruits.


The luciferians/satan hate the Catholic Church as it is the Church established by Christ himself and the evil one's greatest enemy. There is nothing in the malignant activities of the abusing priests (many who are luciferians) that is in keeping with Catholic Church teaching which is based on Christ's teaching and example. That is why the conservative Catholics are properly outraged and demanding immediate action.


Because the Church is to provide love, guidance and protection to the sheep (Catholics and those sheep outside the flock), the abuse of authority and trust of the faithful and other vulnerable groups is that much more egregious and unacceptable and must end immediately. The abusers and their covers/enablers must be brought to light and defrocked for failing in their principle obligations – and lead a life of strict penance (& jail where convicted) including coughing up any personal wealth to their victims.