Anonymous ID: be7fe5 Aug. 17, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2646655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7161

>>2641907 (PB)

If Q is drawing people to other places, but continues to post here as well, what business is that of ours?


We don't own Q.


We are valuable to Q in a variety of ways – we are a self-selecting brain trust and many of us are trained, armed and ready for more – but our numbers are few. If victory is the goal, we need more soldiers. People at our end of the IQ scale will never be more than about 3-5% percent of the population. Fewer than half of those will find their way here. Maybe half of that number will be be able to do anything beyond simple cogitation.


When Q showed us the 7 Dwarves, he was showing us what we are up against. It would be complete and utter folly to think that that installation is the only one of its kind or even the most advanced. This really is a war and, in a real and substantial way, it is between carbon and silicon.


Let your mind go where it will with that … it could hardly go astray.


We are part of Q, but if we are the entirety, we are doomed.


Let's drop the hurt feelings and get back to work, shall we?


>>2641910 (PB)

Sure wish I could find a version of 3%.jpg in the same pose, but with an AR. Do you know where I could get that flag IRL?