Anonymous ID: c3469b Aug. 17, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.2646555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6594


The LIFE provides 'guidance'. ALL life learns from all life at its own pace, by perfect design.

ELEVATING MASTERS requires SLAVES on the other end.

Jesus is an ipsissimus. A master of what you would correctly call VOODOO.

How is the manipulation of forces aka ancient magic corruptible? It is merely USED, just like a hammer - a tool at the hand of the mercy of the wielder.

Dominion IS A SPELL. A tool of control. Still in effect on you thinking you need another man's 'guidance'.

And those behind it use FEAR of the ordered CHAOS that is NATURE to control.


There is no logic in paying people who murder, lie, and steal to protect you from the perception of potential murder, theft, and deceit.




Govern- to control

Ment - the mind (from the latin 'mens')