Anonymous ID: 2ef759 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.2647507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7531 >>7678 >>7880 >>7966 >>8008 >>8015

Ex-employee: Tesla concealed drug trafficking at its factory

August 16, 2018

Tesla’s month from hell is showing no signs of slowing down.


The electric-car maker, still reeling from CEO Elon Musk’s stunning tweets detailing his desire to take the company private, is now dealing with a whistleblower problem.


Karl Hansen, a former member of Tesla’s security team, has filed a tip with the Securities and Exchange Commission, alleging that the company suppressed an internal investigation into criminal activity at its Nevada Gigafactory.


In a statement issued by Meissner Associates, the law firm representing him, Hansen alleges that Tesla “refused” to inform the DEA and law enforcement about several of its employees’ involvement in a drug trafficking ring that moved “significant quantities of cocaine and possibly crystal methamphetamine” on behalf of a Mexican cartel.


Hansen also said that Tesla urged him to not report the theft of $37 million in raw materials from the Gigafactory and that the company fired an employee who did report the theft, claiming the individual was not a “Tesla team player.”


To round it out, the statement accuses Musk himself of authorizing “wiretapping and hacking of Tesla employee cell phones and computers.”


Hansen is the second Tesla whistleblower to come forward in recent days.


Tesla finished the day down $3.24, at $335.45.


“Mr. Hansen’s allegations were taken very seriously when he brought them forward. Some of his claims are outright false. Others could not be corroborated, so we suggested additional investigative steps to try and validate the information he had received second-hand from a single anonymous source. Because we wanted to be sure we got this right, we made numerous attempts to engage further with Mr. Hansen to understand more about what he was claiming and the work that he did in reaching his conclusions. He rejected each of those attempts, and to date has refused to speak with the company further. It seems strange that Mr. Hansen would claim that he is concerned about something happening within the company, but then refuse to engage with the company to discuss the information that he believes he has,” a Tesla spokesperson told The Post.



Anonymous ID: 2ef759 Aug. 17, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.2647997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 2nd Special Counsel, Assange, & The 'Free' Press

Fri, 08/17/2018 - 17:25

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,


Two thirds of Americans want the Mueller investigation (inquisition, someone called it) over by the midterm elections. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has said that if Mueller wants to interview Trump, he’ll have to do so before September 1, because the Trump camp doesn’t want to be the one to unduly influence the elections. Mueller himself appears to lean towards prolonging the case, and that may well be with an eye on doing exactly that.


And there’s something else as well: as soon as the investigation wraps up, Trump will demand a second special counsel, this time to scrutinize the role the ‘other side’ has played in the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath.


He’s determined to get it, and he’ll fire both Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein if they try to stand in his way.


There have of course been tons of signs that it’s going to happen, but we got two significant ones just the past few days.


The first is the termination of John Brennan’s security clearance. It looks impossible that no additional clearances will be revoked. There are more people who have them but would also be part of a second special counsel’s investigation. That doesn’t rhyme.


The second sign is Senator Rand Paul’s call for immunity for Julian Assange to come talk to the US senate about what he knows about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. Obviously, we know that he denies its very existence, and has offered to provide evidence to that end. But before he could do that, a potential deal with the DOJ to do so was torpedoed by then FBI chief James Comey and Senator Mark Warner.

