Anonymous ID: 388987 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.2647321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7333 >>7617

Here's my two cents about all the Facebook censoring over the past 24 hours.


In case you haven't known, Facebook is very very heavily censoring anything deepstate/Q related. Either links are removed, links are not clickable, or simply nothing shows up at all in a post.


Anyways, in regards to the 4 booms this week and the airplane incidents, my opinion is that Facebook is preparing for something big about to drop. They aren't concerned with what we're currently posting, it's what will be shared in the coming days. They're currently testing their algorithm to ensure that when this news drops they can hide it across their platform. Obviously the media won't cover it and we will be left to search the internet on our own to find reliable sources, rather than just turn to Facebook and probably Twitter .


My opinion based on the power outage at Reagan airport (both normal lighting and emergency lighting was off, very very very unlikely that generators and back up batteries would all fail), and the emergency landings across the globe, bad actors are fleeing. Where to? I don't know. Who is it? I don't know. But my guess is it's public figures and the media doesn't want this information to spread.


I may be way off, but since Facebook is heavily censoring, something BIG is definitely about to drop.