Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2647277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7284 >>7678 >>7775 >>7814 >>7880 >>7966 >>8015

Three People Arrested in Case of Video Showing US Woman Raping 5-Year-Old Boy


After authorities in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, arrested a woman on Tuesday for allegedly raping a five-year-old boy and sharing footage of the act online, the woman's ex-boyfriend and his current girlfriend were arrested two days later.


According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, police arrested Corby Kinzey on Tuesday after they were informed by the mother of Kinzey's ex-boyfriend of a video circulating on social media showing her sexually assaulting a child. The mother was tipped off to the video by her son's current girlfriend, who said she'd been sent it via Facebook Messenger by an unknown person.


Court documents show that while speaking to officers with the City of Greensburg Police Department, the concerned mother also provided a copy of the video, the publication reported. Once officers arrived at Kinzey's home and placed her under arrest, she reportedly told them she knew it was "about the video."


Kinzey later claimed that a mysterious man named "Patrick" had held a gun to her head and forced her to commit the offense. Per Pittsburgh news station KDKA, Kinzey indicated that the man, who'd sported a mask and gloves, threatened to kill her if she went to police.

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2647283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7325





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Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:35 p.m. No.2647305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7338 >>7388 >>7436 >>7678 >>7837 >>7867 >>7880 >>7966 >>8015

Kentucky - Pastor Bitten Bloody By Snake During Service


They’re not called snakes for nothing, and they are not used figuratively to speak of betrayal and treachery if they’re such innocent angels. A controversial American pastor found the truth the hard way. His use of a snake in a bizarre service in Kentucky almost cost him his life as the reptile had more “action-packed” ideas other than being used as mere “props” for the sermon, and ended up biting the preacher.


In the end, Cody Coots had to be carried out of the Full Gospel Tabernacle church horrifyingly drenched in his own blood from the snake’s attack. His church is only one of the few remaining such churches still allowing the ancient snake-handling in their services.


The even more strange thing is Coots’ reaction after being almost fatally bitten by the reptile. After the pastor collapsed on the ground, the first thing he asked is to be taken to the mountaintop because he believes it is God no less who will “judge whether he should live or die.”


Good for him that a more rational-thinking friend of his drove him to the hospital instead. A doctor who attended to Coots said the snake came close to severing the pastor’s temporal artery which would have certainly killed him.


The friend made the right decision to defy the pastor’s bizarre wish to be brought to the mountaintop instead of being rushed to the hospital. The friend shared: "Most people bit in the face are dead in five, ten minutes. I mean, his own daddy got bit in the hand and within seven minutes was dead."


The other odd thing with Coots is that his father, Jamie, then 42 years, was killed when a rattlesnake also bit him in an eerily similar ritual back in 2014. It seems the son did not learn a lesson from his father’s senseless death as he still preferred to perform the same death-defying act in the church service.


Such bizarre service is “inspired” by the biblical verse in Mark 16:18: "They will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them."


The scary scenes of the service where Coots almost got killed for his “religious devotion” - or “reckless insanity” depending on one’s perspective- were filmed as part of a new documentary entitled My Life Inside: The Snake Church.


The two-part documentary follows Coots and documents his recovery from the bite and also records his emotional and spiritual journey as he “re-evaluates his life and faith in the wake of his brush with death.”


Of course, to critical minds, it remains a question how much of the film is real and how much could possibly be “staged” for dramatic effect- a snake, or snakes literally and figuratively, after all, played a huge part in the documentary.

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.2647324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Details emerge in Dallas Democrat’s bribery scheme; dog’s name used to hide donations to official


Fast cars, fast money, and expensive art provide the backdrop for a seedy tale of corruption in Dallas.


The story begins with a slick Louisiana businessman who paid off public officials to get lucrative contracts so he could live a lavish lifestyle.


And everything was funded by taxpayer dollars.


This week, KXAS-TV took a closer look at a bribery conspiracy that led Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway, a Democrat, to resign after he pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges. New Orleans businessman Robert C. Leonard Jr. also pleaded guilty.

How were they living?


Leonard was living large, with a luxurious home, a shiny black Bentley in the driveway, more than $700,000 in bank accounts, and boxes of expensive jewelry. He is now forfeiting his riches to the government because “he paid for it with your money,” KXAS reported.


Leonard peddled his company’s school bus cameras in exchange for bribes, and many of the cameras are “sitting unused in a warehouse,” the report said.


His dog got in on the act, too.


Leonard used his dog’s name to make a $200 donation to Caraway’s campaign, according to KXAS. His dog, “Jack Leonard,” had a business card for Force Multiplier Solutions that listed him as chief executive officer of the dog division.


Caraway admitted to taking $450,000 to buy fancy suits, gambling trips, a campaign bus, and other items.


It started when Leonard came to town and touted his surveillance cameras as a way to keep students safer.


That led him to Rick Sorrells, then-superintendent of Dallas County Schools, a now-defunct school bus agency in North Texas. The corruption scandal and financial mismanagement led to the agency’s closure in November. Prior to its closure, Dallas County Schools provided services for school districts and government entities in Dallas County and throughout Texas.


Sorrells admitted he received more than $3 million in bribe and kickback payments. In exchange, he entered into $70 million in contracts for cameras for DCS school buses.


Caraway’s position on the City Council helped garner the votes that made the scheme possible.

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.2647411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2020: Dems Gearing Up for ‘Street Fight’ on Race, Identity Politics

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.2647474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7545 >>7588 >>7628

To Survive The Midterms With Your Mental Health Intact, Turn Off The "News" & Social Media Now


If you want to preserve your sanity and avoid unhappy derangement, turn off all corporate and social media from now to Thanksgiving.


Since elections are extremely profitable for traditional media / social media corporations, your sanity will gleefully be sacrificed in the upcoming election–if you are gullible enough to watch the "news" and tune into social media.Elections are extremely profitable because candidates spend scads of cash on media adverts.


The greater the discord and derangement, the higher the media profits. The more outraged you let yourself become, the more time you spend online, generating insane profits for the corporations that own whatever platforms you're addicted to.


Seeking an echo chamber of people who agree with you? We got you covered. Attracted like a junkie to emotionally corrosive "news"? That's our specialty! Want an outlet for your spleen? That's what we offer, because "we connect people" (haha).


In other words, if you have a self-destructive attraction to anger, helplessness, frustration, bitter unhappiness and derangement–then by all means, watch the "news" and soak up social media. But while you're destroying your mental health for zero positive gains, please recall that six corporations plus Amazon zillionaire Jeff Bezos own the vast majority of the mainstream media–a truly frightening concentration of power in the hands of a few whose sole purpose is to maximize profit.


This concentration of media control creates the illusion of choice– the same elite-propaganda spin is everywhere you look; our "choice" of "approved" (i.e. corporate) media is roughly the same as that offered the Soviet citizenry in the old USSR.

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 2:14 p.m. No.2647745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7785 >>7880 >>7966 >>8015



Leaking Las Vegas: West's Biggest Reservoir Nears Critical Threshold


Lake Mead - the West's largest reservoir - is running dry again and is on track to fall below a critical threshold in 2020, according to a new forecast by the Bureau of Reclamation.

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 2:16 p.m. No.2647776   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Esdras 7:77


77 After all, you have a treasure of good works stored up with God Most High, which will not be shown to you until the last days.

Anonymous ID: 64eee5 Aug. 17, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.2647810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7985

BANANA REPUBLIC: Paul Manafort Is Being Held in Tiny Prison Cell with No Reading Material or TV During Trial (VIDEO)


America is officially a banana republic.

Thanks Democrats.


Paul Manafort was Donald Trump’s campaign manager for two months. Now he must be punished.


The US government is holding Paul Manafort in a tiny prison cell during his trial with no reading material and no television.


Paul Manafort faces 305 years in prison for tax evasion charges — a crime that typically has an average sentence of 1.5 years.


If he was an illegal alien Democrats would be outraged.