Anonymous ID: 92d68f Aug. 17, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.2647389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7494

Even thought it's been out for a long time I just watched the plan to save the world for the first time yesterday.

Outstanding and amazing video it will be my goto Red Pill


1) If they replaced "Criminal" with "Psychopath" it would be more accurate though probably less so to the intended audience.

Not all psychopaths are criminals and not all criminals are psychopaths. You are a criminal everyday before you get to work, if you drive faster than the speed limit. Alan Dershowitz said that it can be argues that any attorney commits a federal crime before 12PM every day of the week. It's more accurately psychopaths that will enrich themselves at the expense and detriment to the rights of others. An organization that requires that you rape, torture and kill a child is basically an exclusive club of psychopaths. Normies can use criminal if it feels more comfortable but us, who are wanting to fight this, need to realize that the reason things got this bad is because we were screening for "criminals" when we should have been looking for psychopaths and narcissists, the latter being much more crafty and not entirely subject to the prior label.


2) "The greatest story ever told" was the bible.

At least up to this point it claims that title. We can try to claim that in the end but doing so will put us trying to usurp something already claimed. Based on Qs posts he may or may not like that characterization. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, this is the last place one should attempt to do that, only seek to advise and point out perspective.

Pointing out, intellectually, things for us to ponder and consider that probably few even care about.

Always a pleasure Fags,

Stay Comfy

Anonymous ID: 92d68f Aug. 17, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.2647587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have, and you are correct. Allow me to clarify:

They are far better than anything I could have done on my best day in this lifetime. I believe it was likely a "State" produced piece it's way way so well done.

If they were done considering my 2 points they would have not been as effective/good.

And Effectivity is King.

Ill make sure I watch all of them, tx.