Anonymous ID: ae55c7 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.2647314   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The corruption of society. People want to bring down goodness and morality "western society" is the new "God." Order, Truth, Goodness. The problem is these corruptors hide their true nature in the name of science.


By throwing out scientific method the very order of science, they stopped investigating causation

and have settled for correlation. Correlation is not science, it's statistics.


They ruined studying the work of God at some point in like 1500, the church was the enemy of the people basically how the media flipped in the early early 60s. Started to push for a base populace. England fought backand for like 500 years, papists were demonized, and for good reason. Papists were like the middling dems of 1500-1900. You're not hate worthy but you're part of the problem.


Riding the line between religion and human achievement is like holding on to a republic. Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. Anyone saying otherwise is part of the problem