Anonymous ID: c234dc Aug. 17, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.2647516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7702



Soros takes orders from P

P=C (Chair)

C serves M (Master)


Last time or I must consider you a slide.

It is not a family.

It is about control of the system.




Follow the Money.

Anonymous ID: c234dc Aug. 17, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.2647949   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Look where it eventually ends.

Look who receives the greatest protections/secrecy.

As you go down the list, Soros could be equated with numerous other names that take orders from P.


List the names that take orders.

Do the same for the chair from research.

Do the same for Master from research.

The bloodlines divided territory control.

Payseur may have control of one small part of the world & belongs to larger groups like CFR, but they are not the only family.

The same could be cited for the other bloodlines, as they all overlap each other.


Eventually, you must come to the top. As much as you would like to believe that is one family the research does not bear that out.

Each bloodline has amassed different amounts of money & power.

The control is those that have their own immunity,army, land, etc.

That is not one family. It is more like entities like a foundation.


  1. Vatican, Holy See, Knights Of Malta

  2. The Queen, Privy Council (The pittance she pays in taxes is a joke.) They own 1/6th of the land outright. This will soon go to Charles if the Monarchy is not abolished.

  3. The Bank Of International Settlements which enjoys all the immunity that a State actor would. It even has its' own army.