Anonymous ID: c477c0 Aug. 17, 2018, 1:40 p.m. No.2647351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7476 >>7665

People need to understand that religion stopped being about connecting with the Lord and more about those preaching what they "claim" is the word of God, over 1000 years ago. The encroachment on religion by those in power enabled them to more effectively control people en masse, with the advent of the internet that control spread exponentially and all the while their destructive ideas gained prominence under the guise the 1st Amendment. The tangled web of wrongs in the world is bigger than any one person can imagine because it spans multiple generations. To the layman it looks impossible to untangle by him/herself, even more-so when they believe The People won't work together to attempt fixing it, they get discouraged and/or stop trying altogether. It's my hope that this movement will give The People the courage they need and understanding that they aren't alone, that people are working together albeit a little haphazardly to find the truth.