Anonymous ID: d736df Aug. 17, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.2647412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

happy fried egg, chicken heads!1

poppin in a quick workfag to get muh fix from frens who dig it


some comments/questions/happening status on PBnotables


>>2646739 New Mexico Jihad Compound Mysteriously Destroyed By Authorities

-im glad this got dug up, i wuz pissed this morning i heard this said but only from a conservative tree house article that didnt say it. but since i was privy to the article, NBC was the ones with special access ,if this is new news then the sauce is conservative treehouse (covering the new mexico dig) and article includes embedded NBC stuff


>>2645501 Digging on Bruce Ohr projects and operations

-he was rumored to me the other day Bruce played a big role in Operation Fast and Furious and Project Cassandra but no sauce. is this new or old news to anons?