Anonymous ID: 078f53 Aug. 17, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.2648127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8138


Who is 'god'? WHY was 'he' in darkness, the void, the spirit of god hovering over the abyss? HE was cast out of heaven. It is a loop. Copy of a copy of a copy. Every son (child/person) is a SEPARATION from the father.


The SPERM is the SPIRIT, egg (Bottomless PIT) is the body.


All bodies are worlds. Everyone you see and that has ever been was the ONE with the KEY TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT, the sperm 'anointed in oil' (christos) that got the egg- the 'chosen' one. SolaceTheWiseServant


Repeating cycles of life.


Creation = the first separation, sound from silence.


No? Then why did 'god' 'speak' creation into being? Sound is the creator, throat chakra. Vibration. etc...


The 'god' of this world, is the energy that created it- after choosing to separate/split from the 'ALL'.


Thus EVERYTHING here is about competition, rank, sacrfice, and DOMINION.




Further- we are all SPIRITS BOUND in physical bodies (EGGs).

Genies (jinn, angels, demons, spirits) in bottles all. Save for those without bodies. That is where the spirit invocation practitioners and summoners come in...