Anonymous ID: 55522e Aug. 17, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.2648150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8175 >>8331 >>8481 >>8754


Your historical ignorance is stunning


The proper word is "canonical" and was dont at several councils of all the Christian bishops at the multiple Councils of Nicea


Who do you think created the first Christian bibles. What other Christian churches existed in the first 1000 years?


The Coptic and Ethiopian churches followed a dramatically different version that only have a very local following.


The Protestant religions broke away from the Catholic church in the 1500s

Anonymous ID: 55522e Aug. 17, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.2648198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8262


Q is busy doing the job that other Americans won't do.


Be grateful some people take the initiative to do something or we would all be living in caves posting on clay tablets.


Without s sheep dog, sheep are just sheep and get eaten be the wolves.


They smart ones and one that hide just get eaten last

Anonymous ID: 55522e Aug. 17, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.2648532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your power is weak


"You look like an idiot": Secy Mattis fires back at ‘anonymous source’ who claims the military parade is postponed over $92M cost


Say hello to David and jimmycomet from us

Anonymous ID: 55522e Aug. 17, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.2648655   🗄️.is 🔗kun



History repeats itself time after time


Red Guard during Mao's cultural Revolution

The predecessors of Obama's Organizing for America:


"Enveloped in a trance of excitement and change", all student Red Guards pledged their loyalty to their beloved Chairman Mao Zedong.[1] Many worshipped Mao above everything and this was typical of a "pure and innocent generation".[30] Excited youths took inspiration from Mao's often vague pronouncements, generally believing the sanctity of his words and making serious efforts to figure out what they meant. Factions quickly formed based on individual interpretations of Mao's statements. All groups pledged loyalty to Mao and claimed to have his best interests in mind, yet they continually engaged in verbal and physical skirmishes all throughout the Cultural Revolution.[citation needed]


Youth from families with party-members and of revolutionary origin joined conservative factions. These factions focused on the socio-political status quo, keeping within their localities and working to challenge existing distributions of power and privilege.[31] Those from the countryside and without ties to the Chinese Communist Party often joined radical groups who sought to change and uproot local government leadership.[32]


The primary goal of the radicals was to restructure existing systems to benefit those of poorer backgrounds, as supposed capitalist roaders were corrupting the Socialist agenda. Primarily influenced by travel and a freer exchange of ideas from different regions of China, more joined the radical, rebel factions of the Red Guards by the second half of the Cultural Revolution.[32]


Some historians, one being Andrew Walder, argue that individuals and their political choices also influenced the development of Red Guard factions all across China. Interests of individuals, interactions with authority figures, and social interactions all altered identities to forge factions that would fight for new grievances against "the system".[31] Following Mao Zedong's idea of permanent revolution, the factions and their identities continually evolved as new ideas and people were brought in. Ultimately, the struggle between factions led to the chaotic civil-war-like atmosphere which foiled Mao's original intent to have the people carry out an orderly permanent revolution against the existing regime