Anonymous ID: 693592 Aug. 17, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.2648076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8315 >>8580

>>2647330 lb

>>2645480 lb


Bottom line - I recommend that security clearances be automatically revoked for every employee with a clearance once they leave leaving government or contractor employment. The status would then become "suspended" (or whatever term is appropriate) and eligible for quick reactivation in case of justified need.


Discussion - Brennan is bitching about his lost security clearance, and former top officials are backing him up. The generals, admirals, higher-up SES, and political appointees want to cash in as consultants and coordinate with their old buddies and FVEY types. Remember, however, that classified discussions are not permitted to occur over unsecure phone lines/internet connections. Therefore, if their good buddies need to consult a former government employee about a classified matter, the former employee must visit in person or go to a SCIF (neither of which is possible without the proper level of clearance).


Keep in mind that a billet or position requires a security clearance because of the "need to know" classified info by a trusted "clean" person. If it's so damn important to keep a clearance after leaving the government just in case Uncle Sam needs you again, then the government should create a category like "suspended" or "activate only in case of demonstrable need" for these folks that would enable quick reactivation during a period of x months or years without the lengthy, expensive, intrusive investigation process. After that time, if that expertise is needed, the former employee would go through some type of expedited investigation.


Lots of government professionals with security clearances are highly sought by contractors after they retire because the contractor then does not have to pay for a whole new investigation. So, it makes sense to keep clearances active for a short period of time after leaving the government (cheaper in the end for the taxpayer). I recommend that the clearances for both worker bees and big poo-bahs should automatically be revoked once they leave the government for whatever reason and placed into this new "suspended" category for x period of time; the clearance could then be reactivated only once the former employee is employed by a business with an active government contract or re-employed by the government.


The need for a talking head on MSM to have a security clearance is totally bogus. People with clearances have to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to getting the clearance and it's a lifetime commitment or until the material is formally declassified. Therefore, they can't discuss classified info in the media, so why the hell do they need one?