Anonymous ID: 832bba Aug. 17, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.2648252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8299

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Youre the kind of moron who thinks that anybody who doesnt support Trump is automatically a child molestor. That's because our schools have been turning out people for 30-40 years with zero ability for logic and reason. >>2647741

The sauce is the epistles of St. Paul. >>2647793

Physical Churches are gathering places for believers, as instructed by St. Paul, and the Pope is the CEO of the Church. To say that God is inside you and not in the Church where you may be is a false dichotomy and contrary to Scripture and all traditions. >>2647793

Nearly all of the anti-catholic posts I see evince zero knowledge of the Church 's practices an doctrines as stated in the easily-obtainable online Catechism. At least satanists know what the Church does and is and mock all of it, unlike its weak-minded and biased internet critics. >>2647795

Nice Catholic girl. >>2647847

The Cathedrals were one of the only good things going at the time they were built. The building employed and fed many. People would come from all over Europe to work on them. Anti-catholic bias just shows complete ignorance of Western Civ, which is a direct product of the Church. Nearly every great Artist is also a catholic. >>2647935

The New American Standard Bible is a good translation and the one I use. I've also read the NT in Greek, Latin and numerous English versions. The NIV is a terrible translation to be avoided and it is what you see everywhere because of the crooked media and internet.