Anonymous ID: ade4ad Aug. 17, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.2648114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8206 >>8430 >>8515 >>8675

One More Time

The 2nd Special Counsel, Assange, & The 'Free' Press


Fri, 08/17/2018 - 17:25


Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,


Two thirds of Americans want the Mueller investigation (inquisition, someone called it) over by the midterm elections. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has said that if Mueller wants to interview Trump, he’ll have to do so before September 1, because the Trump camp doesn’t want to be the one to unduly influence the elections. Mueller himself appears to lean towards prolonging the case, and that may well be with an eye on doing exactly that.


And there’s something else as well: as soon as the investigation wraps up, Trump will demand a second special counsel, this time to scrutinize the role the ‘other side’ has played in the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath.


He’s determined to get it, and he’ll fire both Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein if they try to stand in his way.


There have of course been tons of signs that it’s going to happen, but we got two significant ones just the past few days.


The first is the termination of John Brennan’s security clearance. It looks impossible that no additional clearances will be revoked. There are more people who have them but would also be part of a second special counsel’s investigation. That doesn’t rhyme.


The second sign is Senator Rand Paul’s call for immunity for Julian Assange to come talk to the US senate about what he knows about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. Obviously, we know that he denies its very existence, and has offered to provide evidence to that end. But before he could do that, a potential deal with the DOJ to do so was torpedoed by then FBI chief James Comey and Senator Mark Warner.


Both will also be part of the second investigation. Rand Paul’s motivation is simple: Assange’s testimony could be a very significant part of the process of figuring out what actually happened. And that should be what everybody in Washington wants. Question is if they all really do. That’s -ostensibly- why there is the first, the Mueller Russian collusion, investigation. Truth finding.


But Mueller doesn’t appear to have found much of anything. At least, that we know of. He’s locked up Paul Manafort on charges unrelated to collusion, put him in isolation and dragged him before a jury. But don’t be surprised if Manafort is acquitted by that jury one of these days. The case against him seemed a lot more solid before than it does now. A jury that asks the judge to re-define ‘reasonable doubt’ already is in doubt, reasonable or not. And that is what reasonable doubt means.


But it wasn’t just Brennan and Comey and Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and all the rest of them in the intelligence community who played questionable roles around the election and the accusations of Russian meddling in it. The American media were also there, and very prominently. Which is why when 300 papers publish editorials pushing against Trump ‘attacking’ the media, you can’t help but -wryly- smile.


Why does Trump attack the press? Because they’ve been attacking him for two years, and they’re not letting go. So the press can attack the president, but he cannot fight back.


That’s the rationale, but with the Mueller investigation not going anywhere it’s a hard one to keep alive.


There are three reasons for the behavior of the New York Times, WaPo, MSNBC, CNN et al.


The first is political, they’re Democrat hornblowers.


The second is their owners have a personal thing against Donald Trump.


But these get trumped by the third reason: Trump is their golden goose. Their opposition makes them a fortune. All they need to do is publish articles 24/7 denouncing him. And they have for two years.


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: ade4ad Aug. 17, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.2648261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8335


This is still a very supportive article to Potus. Our whole purpose in being here is to support Potus is it not.


The fact that Potus has called out Session's in recent days and the fact that the article notes it…shouldn't be a problem for a Potus supporter.


Your point is mute and regardless of your personal views on Zero … some of the most supportive articles to Potus still come from there.


The article discusses JA. His testimony before congress and the potential ramifications for HRC devotee's. Not good. Are you here to protect HRC? Are you a HRC devotee?

Anonymous ID: ade4ad Aug. 17, 2018, 3:07 p.m. No.2648353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8365 >>8416 >>8438 >>8489 >>8675

Trump 'Boom' Sparks Record-Breaking Backlog Of Big Rigs


Fri, 08/17/2018 - 17:45


Thanks to strained manufacturing supply chains and a booming economy, an unprecedented run of orders for new big rigs has nearly doubled the backlog at truck factories to nine months, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing industry analysts.


North American freight-haulers ordered over 300,000 Class 8 trucks through July of this year, and are on track to order a record 450,000 of the heavy-duty haulers for the full year, according to ACT Research. The surge in demand would be the largest since 2004, when orders reached 390,000.


Meanwhile, the typical backlog is around five months for truck industry manufacturers - the longest wait since early 2006 when truckers stocked up on vehicles before harsh new environmental restrictions kicked in.


“It is longer than it should be,” said Magnus Koeck, vice president of marketing for Volvo AB’s North America operation, where Class 8 truck orders this year soared to 25,000 from 11,000 during the first six months of 2017. “Of course we are not alone in this situation,” he said. “Everyone is in the same boat.” -WSJ


North American fleets ordered over 52,000 trucks alone in July, an all-time monthly record, in an effort to keep up with swelling demand amid a booming economy and a shortage of drivers

This is good news for Potus

Can we get some meme's for this?



Anonymous ID: ade4ad Aug. 17, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.2648424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8564


Never been to Redditt so can't respond to that. Your opinion matter's not to me or the board. The article posting is relying upon event's up to this point.


That's all you need to take in…and all you need to know from it. Keep your opinion's feeling's dreams and delusion's on the other side of the keyboard. Spacing's aside.