Anonymous ID: cc15c6 Aug. 17, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.2648743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2647305 lb

>Such bizarre service is “inspired” by the biblical verse in Mark 16:18: "They will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them."


That verse in Mark has been twisted and misused/mis-applied by man-made religion (inspired by the adversary).


Satan always takes the word of God and perverts it to make God look bad.


Jesus never said to go around picking up snakes. Jesus ALWAYS spoke the will of God, and God would not want or ask His children to actually pick up snakes or drink poison.


Wow! How evil it is to mis-apply, purposely, God's written word??


Here is more information on that verse while looking at it IN THE CONTEXT in which it was written. (Remember that we here on the chans certainly understand, esp. mentioned recently by Q, how important it is to understand something in the CONTEXT in which it was said or written, etc. How much more does that apply when considering God's word?)


See pic #1 for the verse Mark 16:18 in the context in which it was written. What do we learn here?


1.) This was spoken by Jesus Christ himself, AFTER he was risen, and he was speaking this to the eleven disciples. He was clearly instructing them what they would be doing IN HIS NAME after they were going to be born again of Holy Spirit (which takes place in the book of Acts on the day of Pentecost). So this is the CONTEXT in which it was written.

2.) Jesus Christ proceeds to list all the acts that they will be performing (which they did perform in the book of Acts, hence titled "The Acts of the Apostles").

3.) Note what these acts are: a) Cast out devils, b) speak with new tongues, c) take up serpents, d) IF they drink poison it will not hurt them, e) lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Wouldn't you agree that all of these acts sound good and are positive, except for c) take up serpents.

4.) Why would JC list c) in between all the other positive acts? Was He really asking them to pick up serpents with their hands?? Why would He say that?? Doesn't seem to make sense correct?

5.) Let's look closer at those words in the Greek to understand them better. This expression "they shall take up" was clearly mis-translated here. Because there are other uses of that Greek word, see pic #2. Now what do you think Jesus Christ really meant by "they shall take up"??

6.) Using common sense and applying the context, to whom it is written and the environment at the time of the lands and times of the Bible, you can come to the natural conclusion that during their travels at that time, they would have encountered snakes and given the power of the Holy Spirit, they would be able to remove the snakes/serpents and take them out of the way without getting bitten, but that they would be able to do so IN HIS NAME.


There is so much more to this, but I don't want it to get toooooo lengthy of a post!

God Bless Anons!!