I don't need support fro you or anyone else. I'm simply sharing information being put out (as promised) by someone who claims they have pedo dirt on British politicians. You can't seem to just ignore the info or filter it, can you? So who's the shill?
15 names, and it hasn't been ALL day as you claim. Only the last 2 hours. When the 15 are done and over with, I'll be done posting them. Filter me if you're so butt hurt.
>sharing info that cant be verified promised by some nobody who cant be verified
Sounds a bit like Q (no offense to Q intended), yet you are here, presumably waiting for the next Q drop to dig.
This Twatter handle has shared hundreds of names of currupted / pedo-related British politicians previously, all of which were verified. This is the first time they have shared names of those who have YET to be verified, and yet here you are attacking the messenger instead of digging.
Time to switch IP's faggot because you're now filtered. Filter me back and we'll both be happy.
And not just Richard Russell, but Richard B Russell airport.