Anonymous ID: 625c66 Was the Catholic Church founded by a Mushroom Cult? Aug. 17, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.2649644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9764 >>0314


You misunderstand me. I trust you honestly believe the teachings of Jesus as you have come to know them as written in the scriptures. You also believe these teachings are good and honorable but have been perverted by the Catholic Church and others to gain worldly wealth and power. If for a few moments you are willing, I ask you to expand your thinking. Should you have the time, read every word of my infographic carefully and pray for both insight and guidance in understanding the facts you see there and the truths those facts inescapably demand.


My infographic attempts to convey the truth, as I have come to know it, that the Jesus Christ of Biblical scripture is, was, and will always be a mushroom (or mushrooms) and never was and never will be a human being. The entire Bible is written in coded language throughout the scriptures consisting of symbols and metaphors proving to me, and anyone that is given eyes to see and understand those symbols, that this is true. These symbols are so well hidden, however, that without the eyes to see one cannot possibly find these truths. These, as well, are very difficult decodes that cannot possibly, nor are they meant to, be understood by everyone. Certainly not at this time when the collective consciousness of traditional Christian theology resides so fixedly within almost two billion people of this planet.


Please allow me to leave you with this information regarding Jesus.


Do you know Jesus’ name in Hebrew? You might recall Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ? His name in Hebrew (not Aramaic as in The Passion) is Ehyeh Shua. What does this mean in English? To understand this let’s first consider God’s name. Exodus 3:14 “I AM that I AM”, or, just “I AM”.


Summarizing, the Father’s Name is “Ehyeh” and the Son’s name is “Ehyeh Shua”. How many Christians know that the Name of the Son invokes the Father’s Name? The problem any good Hebrew scholar has in translating the Father’s or Son’s name involves the indefinite tense of the Hebrew verb “AM”. The consequence being that the Father’s Name can be translated as all three of the following in English.




I believe that the significance of this fact is poorly explained or understood by Hebrew to English translators. In English, both the Father’s and Son’s name mush be understood to take on an almost timeless presence. My theory regarding this involves the Father’s creation of Himself with the evocation of his name “I AM”. But He did so from a perspective that transcends space and time, i.e. the Father created Himself when he acknowledged and spoke “I AM” in a heavenly realm where time does not exist. By exclaiming “I AM” the Father created everything, i.e. time, space, consciousness, etc.


What’s my point and what’s this got to do with anything? My point is that the Son’s name invokes the Father’s atemporal name, “I AM Saves”, and not many Christians that I’ve come in contact understand this. My 2¢ about this is that by contemplating the Father’s creative Name “I AM” we, as His lowly human creations, can come to know the Father’s creative presence within us and thereby come to know the saving grace of Christ that is also within us.


Matthew 18:20. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.


Now I ask you, given that the Son’s name is “I AM Saves”, can two or three Christians gather in Christ’s name if they don’t know Christ’s name?