Pretty crazy. The amount of cabal strings attached to Rome GA is blowing my dick around like a propeller right now. Check this out:
So one POI I've been looking at is 'Mary Hall' (the rectangular pool in front of it reminds me of As Above So Below…ive seen it other important architecture but I'm blanking out right now)
Anyways, MARTHA BERRY built BERRY COLLEGE using money from Emily Vanderbilt Sloan Hammond and Andrew Carnegie, Henry FORD, President Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilsons wife.
Now, MARY HALL pictured below is named after Henry Ford’s mother.
On google maps, Mary hall is just to the north (across a field) from Berry College, and just to the south of berry college ( across the street ) is a cluster of dental and medical related buildings I haven't checked into yet
This area is a fucking hotspot, man. I never even knew it existed until 48 hours ago. I can see why the podestas liked to come here.