It has to be said that understanding all of this can be confusing considering that in modern literature
descriptions of the same global elite are referred to as the “black nobility”, “illuminati” and “freemasons”. In
understanding the role of the one world government today, the distinctions are not as important since they
are all part of the same homogenous group represented by external bodies such as the Bilderberg group,
Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and other power broker groups.
However when looking at the origins of the one world government agenda the distinctions become vitally
important as they help to understand the tapestry of how key elements evolved from each other. As
previously mentioned, the black nobility families predated the Illuminati and Freemasonry by many
hundreds of years. Yet when the black nobility decided to expand their sphere of influence from Venice and
Genoa into Europe they found that the structures to aid them were now in place through the establishment
of the Illuminati by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt. The eventual alliance between the Illuminati and
Freemasonry in the 1782 congress of Wilhelmsbad only served to further expand the influence and aims of
the black nobility.
In the modern era though it is noticeable that the surviving black nobility families are like silent partners
because the public face of this homogenous alliance reside in the Anglo-American families which became
known as Illuminati families. According to most researchers who have been researching intensively on the
most powerful families on earth, the names are among others: Warburg, Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont,
Russell, Onassis, Collins, Morgan, Kennedy, Hapsburg, Li, Bundy and Astor. The following families are also
closely interwoven with the leading families: Vanderbilt, Bauer, Whitney, Duke, Oppenheim, Grey, Sinclair,
Schiff, Solvay, Oppenheimer, Sassoon, Wheeler, Todd, Clinton, Taft, Goldschmidt, Wallenberg,
Guggenheim, Bush, Van Duyn and many others.
Probably the most publicized companies are the Rothschild’s, the Rockefellers, the Du Ponts, the Onassis
and the Warburg’s.