Anonymous ID: 97268f 13 Illuminati bloodlines book Aug. 22, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.2705892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1322


PAYSEURS, mellons,carnegies, rothschilds, rockefeller, dukes, astors, dorrance, neynolds, stilmans, baker, pynes, sassoon, cadoy, dangoul freemans, goggenheims, vanderbilts, onassis, and so on. Hope the (P) Q is referring to is for PAYSEURS they are the top of the food chain: the hidden hand that rules. cowards!

Anonymous ID: 97268f 13 Illuminati bloodlines: DISNEY Aug. 22, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.2705948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The book 13 Illuminati bloodlines also, has a chapter on Disney: the most depraved pedo, satanist park in the world. They steal children from the park for pedo and sacrifice. After dark the pedos are invited in to abuse children. They sell Mickey mouse/bunny ears for the kids to wear. Bunny ears are seen on the Vanderbilt necklace charm. Bunnies are innocent and breed a lot. Bunnies portray innocent kids to have sex with and sacrifice to Tanin/baal. Other podesta displays show men in bunny costumes molesting toddlers.

Anonymous ID: 97268f WH petition to legalese child rape Aug. 22, 2018, 4:08 p.m. No.2706132   🗄️.is 🔗kun


See something, say something. On the WH petition board you will find a petition: Legalize men child consensual relationships!! A kid can't consent to sex with a man perv. I can only hope that this is a perv. trap. If the pervs show their stupidity, they will sign the petition. In order to sign a petition you have to confirm it with your email. It would be a great way for Q team to get a list of all pervs emails and take them down. I'm an sure all of the pedowood minions will sign this filth. The cabal will have all the minions sign this thing. They are trying to normalize psychopath pedo pervs. They really showed their true colors in Little Rock AR by putting a million dollar statue of baphamat/baal portraying child sacrifice at the capital. Who do you think paid for that statue? The rockeffelers own and run AR. It is clinton country. Boy was that a dumb move.