Anonymous ID: c7c6fb Sept. 14, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.3022918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3915 >>5036



Please learn to embed videos so we know the link is good.




Syntax is a problem with language, especially English. It allows for people to be taken of advantage by usury and through non-consensual social contracts.


I think (((they))) is identified in this video as the Vatican. They establish their control & power first, through the capture of time, the establishment of calendar. Then through the monitoring of all money which allows them to monitor all commerce. All seeing. The Holy see / sea, They got the keys!


Then The Birth Certificate system is instituted through government and the post office with the signature of birth certificates, whereby (((they))) own you, your body, & own your soul.


This goes biblical…

30:25 Re-setup of post offices

"The Whore of Babylon [system], what was once using admiralty international maritime law of the sea, is claiming everyone (human) as presumed, missing, dead or lost at sea". → Mirror of God. Mirror of the flood - Biblical


Connection to Globalization, Whereby 'The Whore of Babylon' = Maritime Law, Law of the sea = Each person is lost at sea, exiled


Gold fringe around flag means: Maritime Law aka Admiralty Law. (((Their))) Law. You have no rights in their system.


Our language (babble) is the problem, especially in law. It's so vague and ambiguous that the average Joe needs an expert to make sense of the system or put their faith in government officials.


Makes me think that this could Trojan horse for North American Union.