Anonymous ID: a16eca Aug. 17, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.2653167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3178 >>3183 >>3186 >>3189 >>3191 >>3193 >>3194 >>3199 >>3200 >>3201 >>3214 >>3217 >>3229 >>3236 >>3248 >>3272 >>3295 >>3334 >>3458

29 posts by "CTA" ( 09e69b)

~49 replies total from you guys.

= ~78 posts wasted here.


23 post by retard (a96a0a)

~37 replies total from you guys.

= ~60 posts wasted here.


I'm aware that there are more posts by the time this is posted.


About 86 posts could have been saved if you ignored the shills.

Giving the shills this much attention does not make the bakers job easier. Help eachother, anons.