if this is old news apologies but did a little dig on Moccasin Bend in Chattanooga TN and sometning just doesnt feel right about it all. Building shape of the mental hosp reminds me of some kindof Aztec symbol from aerial view. architect also designed the "Girls Preperatory School in Chatt"
believes its a werthy dig.
“In 1947, the police firing range was built. In the late 1950's, the WDEF Radio Towers went up. In 1961, the first unit of the Mental Hospital was constructed. In the same year, the waste management treatment facility was developed, effectively changing the odorscape of the area for the next 50 years. In 1964, to allow more room for barges to round the contour of the Bend, the Baner Dredging Company cut a strip off the southern 'toe' of the moccasin and consequently pumped tons of ancient Indian artifacts and human remains through underground pipes into the heart of the Bend. And in 1966, the 18-hole municipal golf course was opened to the public…
…The southern point of the Bend—the same site of the ancient mound complexes and the present day psychiatric ward—proved especially significant. During the Union siege of Lookout Mountain, Federal officers stationed covering artillery fire on this bank, constantly barraging the slope of Lookout Mountain and the Confederate-occupied Cravens House along with it."
from wikipedia:
"Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute[edit]
Moccasin Bend is the site of the Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute, a psychiatric hospital established in 1961 by the Tennessee State Legislature.[13] Local architect Mario Bianculli, considered "Chattanooga's First Modernist," designed the majority of the institution's five buildings.[14] According to preliminary research done by the National Park Service, three of the five buildings at the facility appear to be unused. Some of the landscape around the perimeter of the facility is part of a federal government easement that runs the entire length of the riverbank upon which Moccasin Mental Health Institute is located. There are a number of American Indian mounds on part of the hospital property. However, because of hospital security measures, there is little to no public access to these sites.[4]”