Anonymous ID: cee59e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.2654475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How can we know that Trump will do something?

Because he loves our troops and our veterans.


Just listening to various videos while I work, here's one of Mark Levin.


mark levin radio show (his fans call him "the denali")


1:04:55 - 1:08:22 - affecting the morale of our veterans and troops

one serviceman's story – just having drinks with Russians who were in town

caused him and others to lose their security clearance

says he's been sick for 5 years, listening to this Hillary stuff


Trump HAS to do something. He simply HAS to do something.

We have a ring-side seat to it.

We are sitting in the VIP section.

And it will be so glorious to finally see justice in this country.