Anonymous ID: 091fdb Aug. 18, 2018, 8:24 a.m. No.2656151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6176 >>6286 >>6574

What @realDonaldTrump must do.


Destroy the Left's total control of the MSM and restore classic 'just the facts based journalism. Industry wide reporting standards for facts vs. opinion reporting. Monitored and ranked for news organization and individual reporters performance. Use federal FCC licensing as incentive to force compliance.


Destroy the Left's total control of Education. High School thru College. No public funding of liberal universities. Focus on logical thinking skills, true history, US constitution and open debate. No tenure, just performance based evaluation of professors.


De-politicize the judiciary. No activist judges.


Restructure the Electoral College to one electoral vote per each state's counties.


Regain non-partisan federal control over failed cities such as Chicago, etc. Restore a safe and normal environment to our citizens lives in these failed cities.


Force states to reform voting practices and require US citizenship identification in federal elections.


Drastically simplify the federal income tax system. Lower taxes.


Restore a strong research and development environment for universities, private corporations and government programs in all aspects of medicine, technology and energy sectors.


Fix health care coverage.


Drain The Swamp by any means necessary.


Establish America First as the primary tenant to All Public Service!


Re-center American Politics.