Anonymous ID: 200796 Aug. 18, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.2655932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6035 >>6165 >>6286 >>6559 >>6574



Kofi Annan Foundation and The Elders (Mandela founded org)….think it's worth a dig!


Looks like KA was doing lot of shadow diplomacy.



KA Foundation activities:


"Kofi Annan is often asked to intercede in crises, sometimes as an impartial independent mediator, sometimes as a special envoy of the international community. In recent years he has provided such counsel to Burkina Faso, Kenya, Myanmar, Senegal, Syria/Iraq and Columbia. He also participates in problem-solving missions for [[[The Elders]]] and other organisations of which he is part of.


The Foundation provides policy support based on thematic and country monitoring and analysis, and through an informal network of national leaders, multilateral organisations, business leaders, international NGOs, and civil society activists, including women’s groups and faith organisations. The Foundation collaborates in this area with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, the International Crisis Group, the International Centre for Transitional Justice, and Interpeace amongst other partners."



The Elders:


The Elders is an international non-governmental organisation of public figures noted as elder statesmen, peace activists, and human rights advocates, who were brought together by Nelson Mandela in 2007. They describe themselves as "independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights". The goal Mandela set for the Elders was to use their "almost 1,000 years of collective experience" to work on solutions for seemingly insurmountable problems such as climate change, HIV/AIDS, and poverty, as well as to "use their political independence to help resolve some of the world's most intractable conflicts".[3]


Donors and team


The work of The Elders is coordinated and supported by a small team based in London.[2] The team is headed by David Nussbaum, who was appointed chief executive officer (CEO) in October 2016.[14]


The Elders are independently funded by a group of donors, who also make up The Elders' Advisory Council: Richard Branson and Jean Oelwang (Virgin Unite), Peter Gabriel (The Peter Gabriel Foundation), Kathy Bushkin Calvin (The United Nations Foundation), Jeremy Collerand Lulit Solomon (J Coller Foundation), Randy Newcomb (Humanity United), Jeffrey Skoll and Sally Osberg (Skoll Foundation), Amy Towers (The Nduna Foundation), Jeff Towers (Jeffrey Towers and Associates), and Marieke van Schaik (Dutch Postcode Lottery). Mabel van Oranje, former CEO of The Elders, sits on the advisory council in her capacity as Advisory Committee Chair of Girls Not Brides.[15]


The Elders publish annual reports detailing the organisation's income and spending activity.[16]



The Elders current work:


-Universal Health Care

-Refugees and Migration

-Stronger UN

-Climate Change

-Equality for Women and Girls

-Elders and Youngers


-Israel and Palestine

