Anonymous ID: 38d808 Aug. 18, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.2656506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

deep state mockingbird msm comms?


"suicide mission"


Beto O’Rourke, on a ‘suicide mission’ against Ted Cruz, is having the time of his life — and might even come out of it alive


Holly Bailey 6 hours ago .

Anonymous ID: 38d808 Aug. 18, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.2656600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6620

is this letter legit? questionable sauce…


August 17, 2018


To: The Honorable Randolph Moss

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse

333 Constitution Avenue N.W.

Washington D.C. 20001


Re: You Are Being Set Up, Please Don’t Fall Into Trap


Dear Judge Moss,


I am writing to you today to express my grave concern that you are unaware of the trap that you’re being led into by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, best evidenced in his latest filing (Case 1:17-cr-00182-RDM Document 44 Filed 08/17/18 Page 1 of 10) in the case UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS.


Specifically, Special Counsel Mueller asserts in this filing that the actions of George Papadopoulos prevented the FBI from being able to have timely access to Joseph Mifsud who, indeed, seems to have now ‘disappeared’—with his most recently being a no-show in the courts of Palermo and waiving his right to defend himself, with the verdict in that Italian case be reached in absentia.


As Special Counsel Mueller is well aware of, however, about the location of Joseph Mifsud, and should he and/or the FBI really want to question him, he need only pick up his phone and call the Chair of British Intelligence Cabinet Security vetting Claire Smith—for whom Mifsud has worked for nearly two decades.


I have no evidence to suggest that you are aware of the events surrounding Robert Hannigan, the head of British spy agency GCHQ, flying to Washington D.C. to share director-to-director level intelligence with then-CIA Director John Brennan during the 2016 US presidential election—nor that you’re aware that after this meeting the ‘Socialist of Cambridge’, and former MI6 officer, Christopher Steele, and the Stalin apologist Nellie Ohr began compiling what is being called the Trump-Russia dossier.


I do know, though, that Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergei Naryshkin, Russian Federal Security Service Director Aleksandr Bortnikov, and Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate Colonel-General Igor Korobov know about all of this—and is why, this past January, all three of these top Russian intelligence officers traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.


As to why British and American intelligence operatives worked to subvert the 2016 US presidential election, and then followed with undermining the presidency of Donald Trump when that failed, the coming trials, investigations and historians will detail—but in your particular case, I, for one, would like to see at least some Obama administration judges come through this with their reputations intact.


Remember, first and foremost, Special Counsel Mueller is a U.S. Marine, whose most important ethos is to never leave a fallen solider behind on the battlefield—and is why, in 2007, Mueller, along with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, violated the Antideficiency Act by their pleading with Oleg Deripaska, Russia’s richest man at the time, to secretly finance a $25 million effort to free retired FBI agent Robert Levinson from Iranian captivity—but that right when this illegal secret deal was made to free Levinson, saw it blown up by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


Fast forward to May, 2017, when, after firing FBI Directory James Comey, President Trump cast his net to find the one person who hated Hillary Clinton more than he did, former FBI Director Robert Mueller—whom he then interviewed for hours in the White House, then had his Deputy Attorney General, the very next day, appoint as Special Counsel—with this Mueller, in turn, then putting on his investigative team every pro-Hillary US prosecutor he could find.


It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s really going here, does it? In the old days this was called a vacuum operation—where you infiltrated an opposition organization to ‘tag’ all of those involved in whatever you were investigating—with ‘others’ having the responsibility of what the ultimate fate of those who where ‘tagged’ would be.


By your overseeing the sentencing charade of George Papadopolous, I fear, you have now been ‘tagged’—and as an appointee of President Obama, your actions, no matter how unwitting they may be, will forever be a stain on his legacy.


You can, of course, keep this from happening, the only question needing to be asked, though, is if you have the courage to do so—not only to protect yourself, but President Obama, too.


end part 1

Anonymous ID: 38d808 Aug. 18, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.2656615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

part 2


Therefore, if you can find the courage and prior to you sentencing George Papadopolous, order Special Counsel Mueller to appear before you and ask him these four questions:


1.) Did you conspire with, and take money from, Oleg Deripaska in a failed bid to free FBI agent Robert Levinson?


2.) What is the working relationship between Joseph Mifsud and former MI5 official Claire Smith.


3.) What is the working relationship between MI5 official Claire Smith and former MI6 operative Christopher Steele?


4.) What is the working relationship between former MI6 operative Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson?


In your obtaining the answers to just these four questions, you will enter the doorway into the greatest political-intelligence scandal in American-British history—that right now you stand on the wrong side of.




[Information deleted upon request from sender]