Anonymous ID: 786b53 Aug. 18, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.2656112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6126 >>6161 >>6239 >>6261 >>6286 >>6574


Hillary Clinton need not be a nightmare for Catholics


Mother Teresa persuaded Clinton to open a home for orphaned children, and we should follow the feisty nun's example


Back in 2008 I eagerly wrote articles lampooning Hillary Clinton. I scorned her for extolling pro-abortion politics. But upon a deeper reading of her memoirs, Living History, my stance softened when I learned that she and Mother Teresa were such a winning team.


They met at the US National Prayer Breakfast in 1994, where Mother Teresa gave the keynote speech. The feisty nun received a standing ovation after she concluded that, “the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion”. After the talk, Mother Teresa made a beeline for the then first lady and upbraided her for supporting abortion. Clinton stuck to her ‘women’s right to choose’ line, but Mother Teresa persisted until she got Clinton to concede that adoption was a good alternative.


Mother Teresa had previously placed more than 3,000 babies with adoptive parents, and was fired up about a plan to establish a home for orphans in Washington DC. When Clinton visited her in India, the First Lady was persuaded to back the proposed orphanage.


Upon returning to Washington, Clinton put together a team of lawyers, brought ministers and pastors to the White House for talks, and persistently cut red tape. In 1995 the Mother Teresa Home for Orphaned Children was founded. On the day it was opened, Mother Teresa and Hillary Clinton were photographed with their hands joined, standing together in the nursery.


Fast-forward almost two decades and has anyone equaled Mother Teresa’s achievement in not only challenging Hillary Clinton, but in persuading her to bring her political strength and expertise to the service of orphans? The fact that Clinton and Mother Teresa were such good collaborators should be a great sign of hope.


Now, the mere idea that Hillary Clinton might run for president in 2016 is causing plenty of unrest among conservatives, while pro-lifers take a pop at Clinton on the internet, spending their valuable time and energy in writing reams of nasty comments.


But, why not copy Mother Teresa, even in small ways, by trumpeting adoption? The truth is that we are far more content to be hateful then to emulate Mother Teresa. Clinton has shown herself to be a supporter of adoption in word and deed. Would we not do better to encourage young courageous pro-life women and/or pro-life groups to do as Mother Teresa did, and seek Clinton’s help in founding homes for orphaned children?

Anonymous ID: 786b53 Aug. 18, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.2656251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

check out this page - lots of pics of podesta red shoe party. They are copyrighted so I didn't want to save