Anonymous ID: ab72d1 Aug. 18, 2018, 7:53 a.m. No.2655910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6139

The Ohio State Scandal Gets Crazier, And It Now Involves Penis Photos From The White House


There are more details coming out about the Ohio State football scandal, and things just keep getting crazy.


For those of you who need a refresher, head coach Urban Meyer has been placed on administrative leave as an investigation looks into his handling of domestic violence allegations against fired assistant coach Zach Smith. Well, things have now taken an even crazier turn. Smith allegedly took photos of his penis at the White House during their visit after winning the national championship. (RELATED: OHIO STATE PUTS HEAD FOOTBALL COACH ON LEAVE AFTER DOMESTIC ABUSE SCANDAL. HERE’S WHAT WE KNOW)


Brett McMurphy reported the following for Stadium:


Courtney Smith said Zach Smith took multiple photos of his penis inside the Ohio State coaches’ offices, inside the White House when the Buckeyes visited in 2015 and also photographed himself in the coaches’ offices receiving oral sex and having sex with a OSU staffer.


After winning the 2014 national title, the Buckeyes were honored at the White House on April 20, 2015.


One photo of Smith’s penis, taken on April 20, 2015 according to a time stamp, shows Smith in his black suit he wore to the White House event. Another photo of Smith’s penis includes a White House bathroom towel featuring the Seal of the President of the United States.


Anonymous ID: ab72d1 Aug. 18, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.2655923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5938 >>5996 >>6009 >>6143 >>6229 >>6286 >>6574

Projection much?!


Brennan Implies Trump Could Start A War To Divert Negative Media Attention From Himself


Former CIA Director John Brennan went after the president in an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Friday, suggesting that he could conceivably start a war as a means of diverting negative media attention from himself.

The segment began with Maddow reading a Washington Post story that said the White House intentionally decided to revoke Brennan’s clearance this week to divert the media’s attention from Omarosa Newman’s tapes.


“The fact that he’s using a security clearance of a former CIA director as a pawn in his public relations strategy, I think, is just so reflective of somebody who, quite frankly, don’t want to use this term maybe, but he’s drunk on power. He really is. And I think he’s abusing the powers of that office,” Brennan stated.

He then called out the president’s party, saying, “Are the Republicans on the Hill who have given him a pass, are they going to wait for a disaster to happen before they actually find their back bones and spines to speak up against somebody who clearly, clearly is not carrying out his responsibilities with any sense of purpose and common sense?”


“What happens if he wants to do something on the foreign front in terms of some type of military adventure. You know, the wag the dog scenario as a way to distract attention. As things get increasingly tough for him and the waters get even choppier. How desperate is he going to become? What else is he going to do to distract attention?” Brennan continued.

Anonymous ID: ab72d1 Aug. 18, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.2656129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6163 >>6286 >>6574

Forgot about this, wonder if there's anything relevant in there knowing what we know now?



WikiLeaks publishes CIA director John Brennan's hacked emails

October 21, 2015


An anonymous teen hacker claimed to have stolen a handful of files from CIA Director John Brennan's private email account, U.S. officials reported on Monday. As of Wednesday, the government watchdog organization WikiLeaks has begun releasing a number of files obtained from Brennan's account. The leak, which includes documents from 2007 and 2008, is split into six sections, including "The Conundrum of Iran," "Torture," and "Torture Ways." Some interesting inclusions are a note that "every kind of interrogation should be considered compliant, as long as it is not explicitly forbidden" and a mysterious, unfinished paragraph titled "Damaging Leaks of Classified Information." Law enforcement officials reported after the hack that it did not appear that any classified information was obtained.

Anonymous ID: ab72d1 Aug. 18, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.2656222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6286 >>6574

Rep. Nunes Is Investigating Former CIA Director John Brennan

ByS.Noble -

February 12, 2018


Brennan will be investigated by the House Intelligence Committee. At the same time, NBC News just hired John Brennan. One reason is so Brennan can attack Devin Nunes and another is to provide him protection and give him cover as a reputable news source.


Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes plans to investigate John Brennan and other Obama officials for their role in the phony Obama-Hillary dossier. He will also focus on Leon Panetta, intelligence czar James Clapper, NSA adviser Susan Rice, UN Ambassador Samantha Power, and others.


Investigative reporter Paul Sperry says Nunes is looking into whether Brennan perjured himself in a public testimony about the dossier. [Brennan has been known to lie under oath but not “wittingly” over the surveillance of American citizens]


Sperry writes on Real Clear Investigations:


In his May 2017 testimony before the intelligence panel, Brennan emphatically denied the dossier factored into the intelligence community’s publicly released conclusion last year that Russia meddled in the 2016 election “to help Trump’s chances of victory.”


Brennan also swore that he did not know who commissioned the anti-Trump research document (excerpt here), even though senior national security and counterintelligence officials at the Justice Department and FBI knew the previous year that the dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.


Last week, Nunes (R-Calif.) released a declassified memo exposing surveillance “abuses” by the Obama DOJ and FBI in their investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. It said the agencies relied heavily on the uncorroborated dossier to take out a warrant to secretly surveil a Trump adviser in the heat of the 2016 presidential election, even though they were aware the underlying “intelligence” supporting the wiretap order was political opposition research funded by Clinton allies — a material fact they concealed from FISA court judges in four separate applications.


Nunes will soon release a report detailing the Obama State Department’s role in creating and disseminating the dossier. It will identify Obama diplomats who worked with Hillary minions to help Christopher Steele compile the dossier.


The dossier is the basis for the spying on Carter Page, consequently the Trump team. It is the basis for the Mueller probe.

cont. here: