Anonymous ID: f26125 Aug. 18, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.2656359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6369

>>2654185 (previous notable)


The informant believes what the MSM says against Trump?

RE: alleged crimes?

Nope Total lies and double standard on part of Media.

The jerk still believes the Mass Media?

Also, Mueller and RR are both dirty.

I will either be found wrong or found correct.

If Mueller is a good guy in this, How will 9/11 FRAUD be resolved.

It won't

The trap was set for Mueller and Rosenstein.

Yes they are that stupid.

Informant over-estimates them.

MEDIA will be taken down by 9/11 footage showing "plane" fly through the wall of the Tower without crashing;And with the nose coming out the other side.

Simple. Direct. That is All.

Mueller will fry as he deserves. [Or maybe firing squad?]

also Per the informant cited here.

Maybe true info regarding airlift from LR Arkansas?

But, he gave "his name" Why?"

No Outside Coms.

Anonymous ID: f26125 Aug. 18, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.2656433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6495


"Y'all are going to end up like Purdue Chickens" - Josh Harris

Harris flew a helicopter around the top of one of the World Trade Towers the summer before the event 2001. Been scrubbed from the net.

He photographed the "Israeli Art Students" who stood out naked on a platform out one of the windows- which was their art "Happening" It was written up in a closely held art book memento of the "Performance Piece"

Art as Crime.

Canadian academic Artist who fortuitously "took" one of the fake wrote a thesis on the subject.

"Art as Forgery" Corchesne

He tried to disappear after all this.

Anonymous ID: f26125 Aug. 18, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.2656495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6556


"Israeli Art Students" ostensibly from Holland? Netherlands. ?

Every country got involved.

Like the stabbing of Caesar.

The all had to make a blow, to be part of the club.