>Similar in nature to attacks on POTUS?
>Think waves.
>Think coordinated.
Scalar interferometry?
Coordinated electromagnetic waves.
>Similar in nature to attacks on POTUS?
>Think waves.
>Think coordinated.
Scalar interferometry?
Coordinated electromagnetic waves.
Nope. Never talked with geomAnon, but have many years of thinking about it in my background.
Here's photo gallery: 23 photos
Look again at all 23 photos then state your informed opinion.
There are >3 showing trees sheared off at roughly the same height and you can estimate the width of an object that could shear off trees in that manner. Debris field is immediately past first sheared tree.
>>2657135 Many deplorables would seriously take all these limp wristed homos down by himself (or herself). Do they actually not see what caricatures they are?
Sure. Ground-penetrating radar and synthetic aperture radar. Military undoubtedly has/uses it. Imagery not released to the public. I presume there are additional satellite-hosted sensor modalities that could also detect gravitational anomalies, mass spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. etc. Whatever they claim they are using to detect structures, subsurface geology etc. on other planets, you can bet a highly refined version of that technology is deployed over earth.
Shun organized religion.
Study the Bible yourself.
Keep spiritual songs in your heart.
Remember Jesus said When 2 or more are gathered in my name there I am with them (paraphrase).
Small gatherings of believers.
Keep the commandments.
Remember to love God with all your heart and your neighbor (i.e. everybody) as yourself.
Believers don't need a big support system or a building or an authority telling them what to believe.