That needs to memed and tweeted fast ( no twatter here). The Christian side of the blanket can be a fickle bunch, but stuff like this gets their attention fast.
She must have stunk all night in that decaying warm meat. Geez.
not mom…dad.
Gotta love the rhetoric…"Mysteriously" Nothing mysterious about it. Bulldozers were ordered and did their job to destroy evidence. End of story. Nothing to see here folks. I hate sensationalists. Just tell it like it is. Quit trying to "titillate" the public. They have more than enough brain damage as it is.
David Bowie aka David Jones damn near killed his US career in admitting to homosexual participation. He later spoke of it in latter years as a regret because he did not know the US was not ready for such information. That "gay" encounter is when and where he met his 'first wife'.
Well dear anons…there goes the bible in california. knew I would end up in prison or dead for something the way this nation has been heading last few decades against patriots/Christians. My gun and my bible…gonna have to kill me for it.
Mr. Pres….need to do something…bullets will start flying, guaranteed. So sad. Know you will understand why california holds over 10% (5000+) of the 45,000 sealed indictments.