Jim Mcdougal
Mena is key to both.
Bull Shoals Yacht Club
aka BS Yacht Club
It is a distraction.
Rothschilds Nazi connection.
"Illuminati" but called differently.
Jeanette Mcdowell's husband, living in LR
Big failure, mostly.
Only mind control was successful.
Used Nazi and Japanese Unit 731 techniques/chems to achieve.
Time travel and teleportation were too grand for their time.
Science hadn't progressed there yet.
MSM controls the narrative with adaptations for film and tv.
See Disney Fantasia mind control technique for how they started it.
Disney is "Illuminati" cabal.
With Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Russels, etc.
There are many bridges.
Find the right Alice.
Look into the Crystal.
Plenty of trees around so no one else can see.
Rachel Brand's newest employer is in Arkansas.
Those with the most to lose from the Farm Bill.
Did she take her assistant?
Mormon mission trips obfuscated data in NSA/CIA
See Bluffdale.
CSPS and CF attempted to take both back through "service projects" and the school.
Both have many factions now.
Mormons have their own separate disconnected sex cabal they just call religion.
Satanist vs. Mormons vs. White hats across all USintel.
MOS and GRU not split, but not together.
Currently battled over ALT and MSM.
Judaism vs. Russian Orthodox.
Money, sex, drugs, and human trafficking are rampant throughout all.
Mormons blackmailed their way to the NSA data center in Bluffdale with sleepers.
Everyone has sleepers.
@snowden did us a favor
Gunn is UNintel sleeper.
Science is getting closer.
Still need quantum computers first.
Until then, they still need EM and his Boring company digging tunnels to move/hide the children.
Cabal hates that he won't shut up.