Go back to Israel.
I agree… However, they referred to it as a yacht.
Fuck off, JIDF-nigger… We have the ability to multi-task.
Why don't (You) want us looking into pedophiles? Afraid we might find you?
Yeah… I'm fucking done with homosexuals.
33-42% are pedophiles, according to various peer-reviewed studies.
Approx. 90% of admitted child molesters say they have had a homosexual-encounter.
Yeah… NO.
JIDF-fag (You): "What's with all these 'muh too shills'?"
JIDF SUPERVISOR: "They already caught on to that shit. We can't get them all. Try to divide those calling us out for our crimes."
JIDF-fag (You): "Warning - Roughly half of the “muh Jew” posting is being done by shills. "
JIDF-SUPERVISOR: "Perfect. Here's a shekel."