>>2656556 (pb)
And who had the Academic degree in 'Public Mythology?"
Who also decided what went into and what would be leftt out of the "9/11 Commission [Omission] Report?
Neo-Con P. Zelikow
Philip Z. is not mentioned in Wiki as a member of the commission at all.
I wonder why?
Although his title was:
"Executive Director"
Major conflicts of interests for leaders of the Commission were never reported upon by the Media Cartel.
Per the usual.
Mass Media needed to cover their own business' #Propaganda culpability.
PZ looks a bit like a scared animal in his LIFE portrait.
I don't blame him for being afraid and for having his name un-mentioned on WIKI, considering
And this FUCKER Jones - Hicks also deserves some consequences for blocking 9/11 truth info and for surreptitiously working for the Perpetrators of 9/11 all these years.
How many live were ruined by that BOZO while he's meanwhile egotistically prancing around, showing off his grandiose ego?
But we have to concentrate on NBC