Anonymous ID: b0a101 Aug. 18, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.2656840   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6853 >>6876 >>6965 >>6990

Some important things that still need to be addressed and that will still need to be addressed even if all ObamaGate participants are hanged or put in Gitmo for life;

  • End foreign lobbying

  • End corporations purchasing their own regs

  • End means of benefitting financially from public service (how the fuck that gets done, I have no idea)

  • Reinstate Glass-Steagall to reign in banks that gamble our savings in shady derivative investments

  • Get the Fed Gov't completely out of healthcare

  • Get the Fed Gov't out of the subsidizing of any loans (student, mortgage) except for our vets

  • Restore our 4th Amendment right to privacy - zero surveillance by gov't or corporations w/o a warrant obtained in a public court (end unConstitutional FISA court).

  • Strict criteria for "classified" designation, with continuous oversight

  • Ensure the integrity of our election process

  • Dust off and enforce anti-Communism laws

  • Drastically shrink the size of the Fed Gov't by limiting its authority to that which is provided in the Constitution (restore the 10th Amendment)

  • De-fund all parasite populations (welfare to work, education funding to free market, etc)

  • Reign in cabalists fronting as "journalists." Maybe licensing that requires strict adherence to journalist code of ethics (this exists - look it up).

  • End the Fed /Reserve and make our money real again (reinstate the gold standard)

  • Accurate Gov't reporting of meaningful statistical data (economic, crime, health, regional and national demographics, employment, income, etc) that considers race, religion and any other factors that are obviously 100% relevant. No PC.

  • Honest reporting of all findings that resulted from DNA studies (everyone already knows niggers are stupid and violent) and medical advances made possible by unlocking the genome.


Others? The point is that there is still a ton of work to be done, even after the storm. We are in this for the long haul. I personally think it will take a civil war to first rid ourselves of the majority of commies before we can do most of these things. We let them go too far in fostering anti-American ideals and populations - to the point where I don't think it can be sufficiently reigned in any other way. Hope I'm wrong about that, but we need to be ready and willing if that's what it takes.

Anonymous ID: b0a101 Aug. 18, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2657460   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


There's a WL email that talks about the possibility of King Nig blowing the 2012 election by being caught with a young Thai boy. You'll find it if you search tea party in the GI files. It's a Statfor internal (confidential) email.