Anonymous ID: 391803 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.2658072   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8201


Red Shoes wearing, Bill Maher, is one of a legion of mega-famous comedians; who got their start at the Times Square comedy club, Caroline’s On Broadway. The club is owned by Caroline Hirsch, former wife of the uber wealthy and well connected, Neil Hirsch. I posted some preliminary digs, some that were notable, a few days ago. Neil Hirsch, now lives in Florida, runs a Boy and Girls Club, owns a Polo Club and associates with the likes of David Geffen, Bianca Jagger, and Manolo Blahnik. Christine Hirsch, is now considered the First Lady Of comedy, and has close ties to Bill Maher, etc. When connecting the dots between celebrities and the old world elites, there are enough threads to keep this in mind.


Neil Hirsch is also the sponsor of “artist” Maria Marshall’s previous Met showing of her creepy video art tied to Tony & John Podesta’s art collections.


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