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American Empire Exposed


Friday, December 29, 2017


Chapter 13: The Franklin Disgrace: US History’s Biggest Pedophilia Scandal and Cover-up inside the Bush Senior White House


The most thoroughly documented evidence proving America’s global pedophilia network operating at the highest levels of the US government is the infamous Franklin scandal, uncovered in a June 29, 1989 mainstream newspaper article by the Washington Times, [i] also reported by Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Nightly News, [ii] and fully exposed in the truth revealing British documentary “Conspiracy of Silence,” [iii] despite it being literally pulled at the last minute from its original scheduled Discovery Channel airing on May 3, 1994. [iv] After it was listed in the TV Guide for a 10PM viewing, it was abruptly cancelled and all copies of the Yorkshire Television video were suddenly bought up with a half million dollar production company payoff. [v] Had it not been for a single rough-cut copy anonymously sent to attorney John DeCamp a year after all videos were supposedly destroyed, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be would’ve successfully blacked out this explosive documentary from ever being seen by anyone. That’s how pervasive and absolute the sinister controllers’ power at the top is. And as it is, its television broadcast ban has persisted to this very day, but thanks to DeCamp and the internet, it’s still widely available.