Anonymous ID: a59eff Aug. 18, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.2657619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7653


Wait for the storm.

The problem isn't VPN or tech, the problem is that only certain people can know a given range of information and/or have proof of it.


Unless people's lives or in danger, or you just feel like flopping your dick out on the table and seeing who will dare to smack at it, wait for Q to take care of the cock jockies or get them hopelessly distracted by other things.


Or… Ultimately - trust yourself. If you feel it is time to go for it - then go ahead. But only you and someone with Q's resources can appraise the risk/reward.

Anonymous ID: a59eff Aug. 18, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.2657799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7828


I was taught that sex is not just a physical act of pleasure, but representative of the spiritual bonding of Man and Woman. It is a very intimate activity that represents the closest two people can come to each other, physically, and where each are in one of their most vulnerable states - both physically and emotionally.


So, you could say that as my father taught me, sex is very much a sort of ritual magic that brings new life into the world. It is a sacred and effectively holy act that should not be taken lightly.


Given a number of other views my father had, I somewhat wonder if he was a member of some secret society or another. The man could hardly have prepared me for Q any better than Q, himself… Which … Well, my father is passed, so… That probably excludes that possibility. … Though at this point, nothing would surprise me. Even the revelation that each of us autists is in our own private universe and the internet represents a tacit connection between consciousnesses, and we are each a sort of avatar clone and everyone around us are Androids.


Q:"bigger than you can imagine"

Me: "challenge accepted…"

Q:"think logically."

…. Well there go 90% of my theories.