Anonymous ID: b7906c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.2657723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7750


> they are trying to create an uprising and separation


uprising by who and separation from what?


the official word from CERN was that it was CERN scientists just playing a prank.


a prank? for who? does anyone even real scientists think such a "stunt" is funny??


the whole thing, real, prank, or otherwise, makes little sense to normal functioning people

Anonymous ID: b7906c Aug. 18, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.2658157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8214 >>8234


>Hidden Hand's 75% negative harvest type situation?





>Its just too out in the open and blatant not to have a reason…make sense?


YES…I think that the power of "magic" (good or bad) over people is predicated in their belief in that power, so to the extent that this satanic shit is out in the open and we are exposing to others who are unaware of it, we risk unintentional strengthening their black magic power over others. I mean look at Hollywood (which was named after the wood used for making "magic wands") promoting the power of evil in horror films by inducing fear in those who watch them. For example, it is not an accident that the movie the Exorcist was written by a guy who ran PsyOps for the CIA. Then you have Aleister Crowley resurrecting the left hand path rituals and drew this ugly egg head man (IAM) which became the template for all the subsequent unisex (think transhumanism) alien motifs used in Hollywood to promote the false belief in extraterrestrials coming the EARTH to abduct humans. I mean its clear as day in my mind. The whole entertainment industry is a giant PsyOp funded by the military industrial complex (as publicly stated by many big name actors including Tom Hanks) and its purpose to creat belief in the power of their control.


While such inhumanity is important to expose, reject, and put an end to, we have to be aware of the inherent risk that many once awakened may become nihilistic, hopeless, and fatalistic, which only gives power to the very thing we fear and this always ends badly. The real question is how to we put an end to this evil without falling victim to it by believing in it?


We need to forage a new bright path for humanity so that we can just walk away from the evil