Anonymous ID: df0f2a Aug. 18, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2657765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7795


i am theorizing a connection between the solar warden secret space fleet and the first publicly observed and recorded "space visitor" to our Solar System, the 1I/2017 U1 (‘Oumuamua) object. Which in physical dimensions and appearance was very unusual for a space rock or a comet, given that it was a cigar shaped. Kind of like if you put a submarine in space.


Oumuamua is a small object, estimated to be about 230 by 35 meters (800 ft × 100 ft) in size.

It has a dark red color, similar to objects in the outer Solar System. ʻOumuamua showed no signs of a comet tail despite its close approach to the Sun, but has since undergone non-gravitational acceleration consistent with comet outgassing. It has significant elongation and rotation rate, so it is thought to be metal-rich with a relatively high density.


First-known interstellar visitor is a bizarre, cigar-shaped asteroid

Meet 1I/2017 U1 'Oumuamua', but make it fast, because it’s already leaving.

Since mid-October, the astronomy community has been buzzing about what might be our Solar System’s first confirmed interstellar visitor. An automated telescope spotted an object that appeared as if it had been dropped on the Solar System from above, an angle that suggests it arrived from elsewhere. Now, a team of astronomers has rushed out a paper that describes the object's odd properties and gives it the name “1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua.” In Hawaiian, ‘Oumuamua roughly means “first messenger,” and the 1I indicates that it’s the first interstellar object.